Liberopensatore: Guardians of Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation in Crescendo
As the coordinators of the Crescendo project, the Associazione Liberopensatore (ALP), or Free Thinker Association, stands at the intersection of cultural preservation and creative exploration. Founded in 2009 in Umbria, Italy, ALP began with the mission of conducting «cultural archaeology» to uncover and document the rich history of Umbria from the end of World War II to the 1990s. This effort resulted in a vast archive of audio, video, text, and visual materials, capturing the unique stories of the region’s past.
Inspired by the philosophy of its founder, Vittorio Gorini, ALP’s activities span a wide range of cultural initiatives. Over the years, the association has produced books, documentaries, exhibitions, fairy tales, and theater performances, including specialized productions for children. Their work is often characterized by a sense of «creative folly,» an embrace of unconventional ideas and bold artistic expression. One of their notable projects is a micro-publishing house that has published nearly a dozen books, each exploring unique cultural narratives and histories.
In 2022, ALP took a step further in its mission by joining the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, reinforcing its commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue and education across Europe. With the motto «Learning (and building) Europe together,» the association aims to promote cultural exchange, empathy, and social cohesion.
One of ALP’s most ambitious projects is the creation of the Museum of Eclecticism in Perugia, dedicated to the legacy of Vittorio Gorini. Despite challenges, including a lack of support from the local municipality, ALP is determined to realize this vision, turning the museum into a hub for creativity and diversity in Umbria.
As a key member of Crescendo, ALP brings its experience and innovative spirit to the project, guiding efforts to use the arts and culture as tools for social change. The association remains committed to generating new «sprouts» of creativity and cultural understanding, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic Europe.
To learn more about the inspiring work of ALP, visit their website: Liberopensatore.